Where Twin Flames & Wizards hang around.

VIP Coaching Sessions

  "What are the VIP sessions in one sentence? Complete manipulation of your current psychosomatic state and mindset via the latest most advanced methods and protocols of Quantum Super-positioning." 

 When you purchase a VIP session, you get 2X hour session PLUS daily 15min support for 2 months PLUS custom made program for 3-12 months PLUS complete analysis of your Quantum Position and Frequency via the decoding of your Natal chart, Human Design Charts and Life Numerology charts.

  The time is NOW, and your chance to create and shift to an alternative reality is in your hand and in our expertise in this field. Our client list is currently composed by CEO's, High Level Executive members, Professional athletes and poker players and artists from all over the world.

>>> You can find more and book your own session by following the links HERE

PS: Prior to purchasing any of our sessions, please make sure to read the terms and conditions and you also need to be willing and discipline enough so you will follow the instructions of our coaches and personal managers in detail for optimal results.